Friday, October 17, 2008

You Win(d) Some, You Lose Some

We definitely lost this week, and I'm not talking about the value of my 529 account either. Though, at this rate, I'll be lucky to afford state schools when I am college-aged. But, back to my point, the Santa Ana winds hit early this week. I lost the patio umbrella that gave me shade whenever we ate outside in our beautiful garden. Mom lost new plants she just put into the ground, including some of our fall and winter vegetables. Dad lost his new pool floats. Apparently, the desert heats up and sends gales up to 75 mph through the valleys to the ocean, regularly. I thought we weren't in California anymore after a night of terrifying winds.

But, we still counted our blessings. One of mom's new mommy friends lost her home in a wildfire fueled by the winds, and another was evacuated at 2 am. Mom says she is going to pack a suitcase and leave it in the car when the Santa Anas return. I hope she remembers my blankies.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Maddie! Do you have any warning? As Popa says, You'll need to 'batten down the hatches' before the winds come again!

The Andersons said...

We were thinking of you guys and were hoping that the fire spared you. You know, you can still move up here to Seattle, I don't think the rain does as much damage as the wind... Love!