I, Madeleine Mei Hays, am conducting a series of experiments to answer that mystery. In the photo above, you can see one of my neck-sucking trials. In the interest of advancing science cooperatively, I must report (with some disappointment) that I have been unsuccessful in sucking anything from the neck, cheek, chin, upper arm, forearm, stomach or hands. Nor does it appear that the growling sounds mommy taught me to make while doing this have had any effect yet.
However, please note that this leaves a large number of body parts yet to test. I am confident that I will yet discover a source of pureed carrots or grape Kool-Aid somewhere on mom's body! (Dad is kind of hairy, so I am considering discontinuing my research on him.)
Just between me and you... pureed carrots come in a spoon. It's true. You can check the pictures on my blog...
Yeah, well... milk comes in a bottle, but it also comes in a boob, so I am not giving up hope that easily!
Love your new photos! I may have to follow you with a photo montage of my own!
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
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