They grow up so fast! Where does the time go? It seems like one day your little girl is a babe in arms, and the next she's shaving:
Anyway, here's a snippet of conversation from the car today, when we stopped at a red light:
Maddie: GO!
Dad: Maddie, what color is the light?
M: Wed.
D: Right, and what does a red light mean?
M: GO!
D: Maddie, you know that red means stop. Green means go.
(Light turns green.)
I wonder if it would make any difference WHERE you were going, say, for example, to the doctor for her bi-monthly set of 5 immunizations versus to Dairy Queen for a junior ice cream cone?
I love to visit your blog...not only because of the deep thruths of life and the wonderful pictures but also because between the lines and behind the scenes so many interesting and lovely things are to be learned about the world (all using BRAUN-shavers and your personal surrounding (weather, toys-invasion in living rooms seem to be as worldwide as BRAUN-shavers). Carry on! And HAPPY NIKOLAUS-DAY from Germany
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